ADR-27: Port loading screen to unity

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Currently our loading screen is part of the website. To ease cross platform development the screen will be ported and part of unity-renderer.


Current implementation

Website enables or disables the Loading Screen through some flags in the global state: show = state.showLoadingScreen || state.waitingTutorial.

These flags are set from multiple places within kernel. We can differentiate three different flows working with the Loading Scene.


In a normal signin process, the showLoadingScreen flag is modified in this order:

1) renderer\sagas	initializeRenderer.setLoadingScreenVisible => true
2) dcl.ts		teleportObservable.setLoadingScreenVisible => true
3) dcl.ts		renderStateObservable.setLoadingScreenVisible => false
4) loading\sagas	initialSceneLoading.finish => false


In the SignUp process, the showLoadingScreen flag is modified in this order.

1) renderer\sagas	initializeRenderer.setLoadingScreenVisible => true
2) dcl.ts		teleportObservable.setLoadingScreenVisible => true
3) session\sagas	showAvatarEditor.setLoadingScreenVisible => true
4) dcl.ts		renderStateObservable.setLoadingScreenVisible => false
5) session\sagas	showAvatarEditor.setLoadingScreenVisible => false
6) dcl.ts		renderStateObservable.setLoadingScreenVisible => false
7) session\sagas	signUp => true
8) loading\sagas	initialSceneLoading.finish => false
9) website.ts		loadWebsiteSystems.userAuthentified.ensureRendererEnabled => false

*The waitingTutorial is modified in this flow as well. It handles the edge case: User finishes the signup process but the world has not been loaded yet.


When teleporting, the showLoadingScreen flag is modified in this order:

1) dcl.ts		teleportObservable.setLoadingScreenVisible => true
2) dcl.ts		renderStateObservable.setLoadingScreenVisible => false

Notice how most of the time the flag is changed reduntantly. In any case I haven't found any conflict in the way they are modified.


The Loading Screen will be ported to Unity as a HUD. kernel will maintain the ownership of the visibility of the screen. Now, instead of changing the showLoadingScreen flag, kernel will send a message to Unity with the relevant information (LoadingScreen: on|off, IsTeleporting: on|off, Stage: ESTABLISHING_COMMS | COMMS_ESTABLISHED | EXPERIENCE_STARTED...)

The website Loading Screen shouldn't be needed anymore. Currently we are dispatching some events listened by the website about the renderer being loaded. Although website is reacting properly to this, it's a never reached state since we don't show the player the Play or Enter as guest buttons until the renderer is ready.

Therefore the whole Loading Screen can be removed from website.

The need of a preloading stage (while loading Unity) is out of this ADR scope. It would maintain the current implementation of a spinner hiding the Play/Enter as guest buttons.

The implementation in Unity is pretty straight-forward. A HUD reacting to the kernel message to show the screen while maintaining all the features of our current implementation (cycling tips, animated progress bar...) should suffice.




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